Digital Dreams Concert Experience 2013



We closed our eyes, our hands in the air, and for a moment it was like the whole world was still.

Music is about so much more than the artists and producers who create it. It’s also about the people who experience it. Digital Dreams was not just a music festival full of bright lights, loud beats and fireworks—it was an experience shared with over 50,000 people. People who came from all over the world like France and Spain, who volunteered to lift two short girls on their shoulders so we could have a better view. People who gave us high fives as we walked by and who proudly wore red and white waving Canadian flags.

Thanks to being Fruttare bloggers we were able to see passion that burned as bright as the laser lights beaming from the stage, excitement that overshadowed the threat of rain and thunder, happiness that was as contagious as the dancing, and love that overflowed more than the confetti that burst into the audience. Our devotion for electronic dance music brought us there, but it was the overwhelming feelings, emotions and rush that overcame us when the DJ played, that united us as one. STAGEFRUTTARE 5

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