It’s my last day as a teenager, and what better way to spend it than with one of the most popular, most talented singer-songwriter’s of our generation?
Thanks to Faze Magazine and my sister’s strong will to get concert tickets, I was able to do just that.
My day started off with a trip to the Eaton Centre with my sister, before Faze’s cover shoot with Ed, which we were fortunate enough to attend! While wasting time, aimlessly walking around and window shopping like the broke college students we both are, I decided to go on a search for the perfect present for Ed. After entering many stores, leaving empty handed and having a long debate with myself over whether to buy him that glass from Urban Outfitters that says Canada with a weed plant on it or not…I finally walked into Bluenotes and layed eyes on the perfect gift: a red graphic t-shirt with the words “The Eh Team” printed on it along with a maple leaf. Couldn’t have gotten better than that. So of course I bought the shirt and another Canada tee, went to Indigo to find a card (ended up buying one with a cat in hipster glasses), and was off to the photo shoot!
The shoot was held inside Stylexchange, there was photographer who set up, and the Faze team ready and waiting. Soon Ed came in (late, but better than never) with his posse. Though our stylist had some great outfits picked out, Ed preferred to keep his shoes and pants on, choosing to only wear the selected tops (a plaid button up shirt, and a black jacket). He rocked them both well for the camera. He was so shy, and you could see how laid back he is! After the photo shoot, he sat down to do an interview for Faze TV. He answered some questions like what he was like in Grade 8, Why he named his album + (“Well I wouldn’t have wanted to name it album or greatest hits”), what his next album may be called (“how about – “), and what his tattoos meant (“I got a maple leaf because I love Canada). He was actually the funniest and most sarcastic guy!
Then we gave Ed his parting gifts (after grabbing pictures with him and getting autographs of course) Faze gave him the plaid shirt he wore during some of the shoot, which he loved so much he didn’t take it off and sported it during his interview on MuchMusic’s New.Music.Live later that evening. Stylexchange gave him the black jacket, and my sister gave him a stuffed TY beanie baby penguin. Which he absolutely adored. As soon as he got it, the biggest smile came on his face, and he immediately showed it to his whole management team, he then cuddled it and gave my sister the biggest hug. It was my turn to give him my two shirts. As soon as he took out the “Eh Team” shirt, he laughed. I said, “You don’t have it already do you? I feel like a fan would’ve already given it to you!”. He smiled and said, “No, I’m going to wear it tonight!” in that awesome British accent. Him and his team then proceeded to exit the store and mall through the secretive and hidden back exits. (So there was no way any fans would have been able to spot him in the mall Sorry!)
(Note: pictures of Ed from the photo shoot will be posted here, after the issue is published!)
After filling our groaning stomachs with a delish poutine from New York Fries, and sitting in the food court waiting for “itis” to disappear we finally headed out to our next Ed-destination: Echo Beach at the Molson Flats. We arrived at the venue for approx. 5pm to be greeted by a huge (and when I say huge, I mean hundreds and hundreds of fans) line. Luckily, my friend’s sister had been there since 11 a.m. so we joined her. (Now before you start snapping on how it’s unfair to bud the line, keep in mind that so many other girls were doing the same thing, and that eventually we left the line anyways). Doors opened at 7PM and it was like a mob of crazy shoppers waiting outside of Walmart on Black Friday/Boxing Day! Crazy! Eventually we got inside, and while my sister braved the mosh pit that is the General Admission area, I went straight to VIP (a higher leveled unobstructed view).
Passenger opened up the show with his sweet melodic tunes and that unique voice of his.
The moment Ed walked on stage, I couldn’t help but scream, not just because of my excitement for the concert to start but because he was wearing the shirt I gave him! He kept to his word!
He told the audience that this was his largest show in North America to date, which of course resulted in deafening screams. And the thing I love about Ed, is that he doesn’t like those screams. Many times throughout the concert he would tell the audience to “shush” and “be quiet” for some of his songs, which allowed you to concentrate and hear just his sweet sweet voice. Instead, he encouraged the audience to be his gospel choir (either repeating lyrics after him, or taking control and singing a chorus while he smiled and listened). It was an extremely interactive concert, which made the experience that much better.
Someone in the audience who was lucky enough to be in the front screamed that it was their birthday, so Ed sang “Happy Birthday” to the crowd and then proceeded to wish anyone else who was celebrating a birthday a happy one too. It was two hours until my official birthday, so I definitely included myself. Um, best birthday present ever?

After an 1 hour and 45 minutes to 2 hours of a set, all good things came to an end as Ed closed the show and said goodbye–for now. Because apparently he’ll back early next year!
Of course I couldn’t leave without getting merch so I braved the crowd in front of the merchandise tents and managed to get a tour shirt ($35) and rubber wristband ($10). When I left the venue there were random people selling their own shirts, so I bought the cute black paw print one for $10 as well. The more Ed Sheeran swag, the better!
I’ll leave you off with this video of Ed singing live during the concert:
– @Naomi_ML