These two covers are beautiful aren’t they?
There has been a high demand for these two issues, and a lot of fans have been unable to get their hand on a copy! So I’ve decided to help you all out! I have 5 copies of each to give away and whether you live in Canada, the USA, or Zimbabwe, it doesn’t matter because this giveaway is open to everyone WORLDWIDE.
All you have to do is:
1. Leave a comment on this post telling me what your favourite thing about the artist is.
2. Tweet to @TwentiesGirl92 “I confess that I am in love with [Marianas Trench or Ed Sheeran] #MagazineGiveaway”
And if one chance to win a copy doesn’t satisfy you, for bonus entries just:
1. Follow this blog (just scroll to the bottom and click)
2. Follow @fazemagazine on twitter!
3. Follow @twentiesgirl92 (for blog updates and more awesome contests)
3. Hec, why not follow me on twitter! (@Naomi_ML)
One entry per person (Maximum of 5 if you do all of the bonus entries). Will ship worldwide. Contest closes December 31, 2012!
My favorite thing about Ed Sheeran is he is original and doesn’t write songs to be catchy and become hit singles in a day, he writes about stuff that matter to him.
i love Ed Sheeran because.. he is perfect in every single way possible xD and his songs are so beautiful. Sometimes, it doesn’t even have to be the music, it could just be the lyrics. I mean come on, he wrote a song about a homeless prostitute, and it could possibly be the most beautiful and meaningful song ever. His ginger hair.. is like angels wings. c: BUT, my favourite thing about the artist, would deff have to be his songs, and his most recent album name ‘+’. LOVE IT
My favourite thing about Ed Sheeran is his deep but sweet voice combined with the amazing song-writing skills he has
Hey, this is my entry for the Ed Sheeran copy! Haha, I’m gonna do the other things as well, so mark me four times! I’m off to follow you guys!
Whoops. My favorite thing about Ed Sheeran is how he started, small pubs to crowds of under 10 people at times, also how he sometimes incorporates things like that, even now (like standing on top of a table in the middle of a huge crowd and singing without a mic). Really really hope I get this mag.
One of my favorite things about Ed Sheeran is that he treats all of his fans like old friends and takes the time to interact with them. I haven’t been to a concert yet but from videos I’ve seen he really encouragees people to get involved in the show.
I love Ed because he is perfect, he’s just a normal human just like the rest of us!
I love Ed Sheeran because his music is really different from what’s out right now in the pop world and I love how it reaches young girls just as much as the other pop does. He’s great and he’s gonna go very far. also he’s cute ^_^
i love Marianas trench because they are my idols, there music is so unique and differernt from all the other music today like ( clubing, partying, sex, yolo), it makes me smile (sometimes cry) when i listen to them. i have been through a lot lately and when i listen to their music i feel happy and not alone. they never let us trenchers down they mean soo much to me and i wish i could tell them that. i will always be a trencher forever
My favorite thing about Ed Sheeran is that he stays true to himself. No matter what. He’s doesn’t let others change him personally or musically. I have been a fan of many other artists, but Ed is different for me. The difference is that I respect him. He’s worked hard to be where he is and he’s extremely talented. He wasn’t on X Factor or any show, he started in playing tiny gigs to 6 people. He worked his way up and I truly respect him. He’s unlike any other artist I have seen. He’s an incredible live performer too. I had the amazing chance to see him in concert in October and that honestly was the best night of my life. I have never had the chance before to see my idol doing what he does best.
My favourite thing about Ed Sheeran is that he is his own person. He doesn’t try to be like everyone else in the music industry. He’s very talented in both his guitar-playing ability and his use of a loop pedal, and he’s a beautiful lyricist and singer. He uses his abilities to set himself apart from the crowd and never apologizes for being an individual in the industry. He is an inspiration and I can’t think of anyone else who is like him. He’s just overall a wonderful person.
My favourite thing about Ed is that he is real. Real to everyone he meets, his fans, his friends, maybe even to strangers ? You can hear it from his music and lyrics. He is the most amazing person I’ve ever known and what he does with his talent is something you can’t explain. He doesn’t do what everyone else does, he is just original as he can be. Even thought I have never met or seen him, I just know from reading other fan’s stories. He’s different from everyone other artists I love, I really respect him. His journey to fame has been rough and he has done it all by himself which shows a lot. His the inspiration of life to me, and his ginger hair and blue eyes are so cute.
my favorite thing about Ed is that he’s so simple. like the way he write song, he doesn’t write song with the desire to make money, he does because he loves it. Also he’s different from other artist he’s on stage with a guitar and a loop pedal instead of playing with a band. The simplicity of him is what I love.
I love Ed Sheeran because he doesn’t care about how many fans he has or how catchy the song is, he is in it for the music. I find it really inspirational that he ran away from home to London to pursue his music career, and how he got turned down by a lot of labels but he never gave up. He made his way to the top of the music industry by himself. I also love how he himself makes the music by using just his guitars and a loop pedal. He meets as much fans as he can, which can be very hard. “I just treat the fans how I would want to be treated if I were a fan.”
My favorite thing about Ed sheeran is his tattoos and great music
Favourite thing about Marianas Trench? The way they connect to the fans. How they put every second of their lives, into making us happy. Their music. They are the reason I am alive.
My favorite thing about Marianas Trench is how much they love their fans. Even when they’re stressed, over tired, and want to go home after a show, or video shoot, they wait around until every fan has their picture taken. They constantly say how much they love us, and they show it well. Josh had been up for 40 hours straight during the day of the Stutter video shoot, and waited until every fan got the chance to get a picture with him. He was extremely tired, barely able to stay awake, but he still did it for us. That’s why I love Marianas Trench.
I love Marianas Trench because they are unique. They are not afraid to go be themselves (like who makes an album into a full one length song about a fairy tale anyways!?, just kidding). But Honestly, I want to win this for my friend. I promised her I’d send her one since she lived in the states but when I went back there were none left.
We actually met through being Trenchers and she turns out to be one of my best friends. We live in two different countries and we’re that close. That’s one of the reasons why I love MT.
So lets get back on topic shall we? I love Marianas Trench because they have helped me through a lot, they get me through the good and bad times I have in life. Their music is always there when I need support, or I could look on youtube for a smile from one of their many hilarious videos. They are always there for their fans and did many tweets dedicated to whoever is struggling and even added a page to their website for it. They will do random Q&A’s and reply to fans to make their day. They are willing to meet fans before/after shows, and they continue to pour their hearts and souls into everything they do.
Josh Ramsay, Mike Ayley, Matt Webb and Ian Casselman are my inspirations in where I want to go in life and I owe them so much. The past 4 years of being a trencher has been amazing and there is no other band I’d rather have that time with.
Thank you , Marianas Trench.
My favorite thing about Marianas Trench is their lyrics and the way they are honest and open with topics that are very real. Marianas Trench has saved so many people, including myself, and I am so thankful that their music came in my life when it did because it has changed my life. I met my best friend through them and we skype every day. (We are skyping as we speak) and I am going to meet her for the first time this summer. If I hadn’t found Marianas Trench, I wouldn’t know my best friend and have some of the most amazing memories thanks to the band. This band is more than just music. I would die for this magazine.
I LOVE Marianas Trench for so many reasons but the main reasons are:
1. The beautiful voice of Josh Ramsay
2. The lovable awkwardness of Matt Webb
3. The amazing bear hugs of Mike Ayley
4. The general octagolal nature of Ian Casselman
5. The great music.
So much love.
My favorite thing about Ed Sheeran is the way he stays true to himself.
My favorite thing about Marianas Trench is that they are endlessly talented and dedicated to what they do as well as their fans. They’re extremely humble and never let their fans forget their appreciation. In the past year of being a fan, I can honestly say I have not gone a day without listening to their music. They not only provide me with good entertainment, they’ve provided me with more motivation toward my own goals in life, and for that, I am forever grateful.
My favourite thing about Marianas Trench is their music. Everyone always cares about how famous people look, but that isn’t the point. I think it’s the music. So their music is my favourite thing about Marianas Trench. They’ve helped so many people, including me, with their music, because people relate to their music. Their music is inspiring and gives me more hope in life. It’s because of what they do that makes them special, not their charming looks. They’re so talented and amazing at their job and I love them for it. They’re just amazing people overall.
My favourite thing about Marianas Trench is that they aren’t afraid to go above and beyond the expectations of their genre of music. They don’t even stick to one genre! I love them because they are all over the place and do so much for their fans and are always there for them. I love them so much because they saved my life and give me so much hope and I know that their music will always be around to make me smile.
My favorite thing about Marianas Trench is…everything.
My favorite thing about Marianas Trench is that they are genuinely talented. Their music is amazing. They are dedicated to their fans.
My favorite thing about Marianas Trench is how they can pretty much turn any song into gold; how they can save lives with their voices and that is an amazing quality to have; it makes them perfect!
I love Mariana’s Trench because they saved me; when I was at my breaking point their music soothed my pain; they have saved lives with their music; that is an amazing and unique quality, I appreciate them more than a regular band. They are amazing and the best thing that’s ever happened to me!
I love Marianas trench because, their first album (fix me) saved my life. I self harmed (cutting) for a year, until I listened to their music, they made me realise, everybody goes through their own devils. I love Matt Webb, Mike Ayley, Ian Casselman and Josh Ramsay all the same.
I also Love Ed Sheeran, I love him because his music makes me feel… Loved.
This band is everything to me. I love love love love loveeeee this band!! My fav thing ‘bout them is… well, everything! I love their personalities, their music, their looks;) Wow they’re just the most amazing band.. ever. Their music has guides me when I need help and listening to their music is better then spilling my problems to people ‘cause they’ve been through the same thing I have. Which means a lot to me ‘cause I know that if they survived from the same problems I’ve had, then that means I can do it too. So they’ve helped me a lot and I really thank them for that. Their music is rad and helpful;3 And their personalities, well that’s a whole other story ‘cause that’s what makes them.. them! They’re truly the most talented band there is and I love them for it.
My favorite thing about Marianas Trench is their personalities and their music. Their music is super inspiring and creative and their personalities are one of a kind! I love their humor, kindness, talents, and who they are. They’ve all had their struggles in life and it turned them into who they are now, into amazing and inspiring human beings. And their music… their music has effected many people’s lives. For people who have been struggling with addictions can relate to their music. And when people relate to their music, it saves their lives. Even though they’ve had many different genres during each album that makes them who they are: unique. Singers that have great talent and are unique and are great at their job are hard to find nowadays, but for Marianas Trench, it isn’t. Overall, Marianas Trench is amazing.
My Favorite Thing about Marianas Trench is how passionate they are. About their fans, about their music and everything else they do. Not only do they produce amazing music, that anybody can relate to, but they care so much about their fans. They will do anything to meet with their fans and do amazing things for them. They are truly inspiring.
I’m a Trencher from Southeast Asia and I’ve been one since June 2012 — a newbie compared to most Trenchers I’ve met online but…
I already have a lot of things that I love about Marianas Trench. Perhaps, my most favorite is the fact that even when they are “talking” about a sad, tragic truth in a song, they produce it into the kind of music that motivates me in a very positive way and encourages me to strive for something even more better. I think this is one of the reasons why they have been able to connect to people from all around the world.
Favorite thing about Marianas Trench is that they never stop giving to the fans. They are always doing music videos with them and letting them get involved.
My favourite thing about Marianas Trench is how well anybody can relate to them. Whether it be through love, tough times, or people who simply just want to listen to have a great time. I love how supportive, caring and willing they are to their fans and anybody else. I love how much they’re growing and how far they’ve come since the beginning. I just love them regardless of anything:) @RamsassyTrench
My favorite thing about Marianas Trench is their love for their fans, and their music! The way that they take the time to meet their fans and connect with them and help them if they can. Their music has helped me so much this past year; it has been a really bad year for me all around and listening to their music and traveling to Canada to see them in concert has kept me from doing some pretty stupid stuff. For that I will always love them and be grateful of them and their music!
I LOVE JOSH RAMSAY AND OF COURSE MARIANAS TRENCH!! as much as josh refuses to be a role mode for bulimics, he is, he had done things in his life that he isn’t proud of, but it has given him life experiences! his music is always life moving and just connectable to their fans! A s i am in Australia i dont have a big chance to meet them or have any merchandise apart from their amazing music
My favourite thing about Marianas Trench is just absolutely everything. Whether we connect with them through love, tough times, who want great music, or just by simply wanting to have an amazing time at a concert, we all come together as one because of them. I love how supportive, caring and willing they are to their fans and anybody else. I love how much they’re growing and how far they’ve come since the beginning. I just love them regardless of anything:) It’s amazing how when they perform, they don’t just perform; they interact with their fans and make us all feel just as equal and important as the next person.@RamsassyTrench
My favourite thing about Marianas Trench is just absolutely everything. Whether we connect with them through love, tough times, who want great music, or just by simply wanting to have an amazing time at a concert, we all come together as one because of them. I love how supportive, caring and willing they are to their fans and anybody else. I love how much they’re growing and how far they’ve come since the beginning. I just love them regardless of anything:) It’s amazing how when they perform, they don’t just perform; they interact with their fans and make us all feel just as equal and important as the next person.@RamsassyTrench
My favourite thing about Marianas Trench is just absolutely everything. Whether we connect with them through love, tough times, who want great music, or just by simply wanting to have an amazing time at a concert, we all come together as one because of them. I love how supportive, caring and willing they are to their fans and anybody else. I love how much they’re growing and how far they’ve come since the beginning. I just love them regardless of anything:) It’s amazing how when they perform, they don’t just perform; they interact with their fans and make us all feel just as equal and important as the next person.@RamsassyTrench or
Marianas Trench is my favorite because of how they, and their music, opened up my life. Listening to their music and going to their concerts brought my best friend and me closer together. They open the greatness that is Canada, and Canadian Music to me. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting them, and they are the nicest people. Mike is truly interested in every single one of his fans. Ian is all about the Music and will talk to you about it hardcore. Matt may be shy, but tries his hardest to really make everyone happy. And Josh is just Josh; Funny, lovable, goofball, Josh. Without Marianas Trench I wouldn’t have met half of my closest friends, nor would I have seen half the places I’ve been.
There’s so much to say about Marianas Trench .. My favorite thing about them is probably that they’re so nice with their fans. Some artists just thanks their fans when they get a Grammy or whatever but my 4 husbands ( yeah yeah yeah, I’m married to them. ) do some contests for us, they meet some fans at shows and so forth. On Twitter, Ian makes Q&A verry often and Mike replies some sweet stuff to us ( He replied to me btw .. SBHDFJKLASJF ) and Matt has is own account and when I have like .. 5 or 10 minutes he do a Q&A and Josh dont really do Q&A cause he has to get his sassiness sassy but you know, he’s just amazing and we forgive him when he dont reply to us
. They’re just really funny, they cheers me up when I feel bad or whatever, they make funny videos for us AND they worry about us –> ( go cheak their website, you’ll find a lot of websites to ask help if you’re depressive or whatever ) And when they speak to us, they dont make things awkwards. They just act with us like we have done so much for them, even it’s them that they done so much for us. There’s so much more but I think that I’m done … NO!! They make us discover some amazing singer like Carly Rae Jepsen, Down With Webster, Anami Vice, ect ect ect ..
I love Marianas Trench because they have helped me through so much! Their music speaks to me in a way no one else can. They are so kind to their fans! They are my idols and I don’t know what I would do without them being part of my life.
My absolute favourite thing about Marianas Trench is that they write,mix and produce their own material. Their talent astounds me.
I love Marianas Trench because they actually care for their fans. Or at least act like it since Josh crowd surfs in a lot of concerts. And their music seems really genuine and is soo different from most artists, that its works well and I love it so much. I really don’t know what would happen to me if I didnt listen to their music.
My favorite thing about Marianas Trench is that they write real music. Their music has changed my life.
I love Marianas Trench because they have Fixed Me. Honestly. My life was kinda horrible before I found out about this band and then ever since I started listening to them, my life just seems allot better. I haven’t want to just sit in a dark room all by myself doing horrible stuff. Also, if it weren’t for Marianas Trench I would have never heard Fake Shark Real Zombie, never would have found out about Anami Vice. With Carly Rae Jepsen, I would know of her but I wouldn’t know that Call Me Maybe was going to be a country song and then Josh Ramsay came along and helped with the music to make it a pop song. If it weren’t for Marianas Trench, I dont know where I would be in life.
I love Marianas Trench, so much, because I can hardly explain why. They helped me during my dark time, when I was too sad to tell anyone that I knew. I can always count on them to tug the corners of my mouth into a smile, and… Yeah.
Where do I even begin with Marianas Trench, first and most important, their sound, when I first heard them all other music sounded a tad mediocre, their sound makes my ears happy. Their lyrics are made from real life events so when listening I do not just hear their songs, I feel them. Their music is what gets me through my biggest life problems, for example, when my grandfather was hospitalized for over a month for open heart surgery, listening to Marianas Trench was what got me through it. They are the nicest guys ever and I’d do anything for them. I buy every CD, christmas song, song featuring any band member and as much merch as I can to support them. I just genuinly love them.
My favourite thing about Marianas Trench is that they don’t care about the haters or the poop they get, they care about the music and they are able to express it in a way that their talent shows. Their music is amazing and they are great guys, super funny and touch the hearts of all their fans. Especially me.
My favourite thing about Marianas Trench is that Josh, Matt, Mike and Ian ALL take the time to talk with each of their fans. They are all so nice to us community of Trenchers. I love that they are just a world of their own.
I have a hard time saying what my favorite thing about Marianas Trench is because there is just so many wonderful things about them and their community of fans, Trenchers, that have been created around them. Josh is an amazing writer who writes about his own experiences which is tough considering all he’s through. Josh, Matt, Ian and Mike all sing and play instruments, they are super talented. It doesn’t hurt that they are very attractive but they also care a lot about the well being of their fans. Marianas Trench isn’t trying to be people they’re not, they are just crazy and imaginative men playing music to people. I would like to meet them someday and just thank them; “Porcelain”, is the song I played for my sister after she told me she had been cutting. She broke down and later that night we told our parents and after some struggling times and a relapse in the beginning of her recovery, it’s been about 7-8 months since she even thought about cutting. They saved my sister, I couldn’t ask for a better band then ones that save lives.
My favorite thing about Marianas Trench is their sense of humor. I fell in love with these boys, not only because of their musical talent, but because they take what they do seriously, but they don’t really take themselves seriously. They’re always goofing around and cracking jokes. How can you not love them? I bet they would be a blast to just hang out with for a day!
This is hard for me to say my favourite thing about Marianas Trench because honestly i love everything about them. Their personalities: so caring, kind, hilarious. They really touched my heart when they gave that long list of phone numbers for thier fans to call when they need help on their website. it was like they could read my mind. I of course love their looks, but that doesnt really matter i guess. I guess my absolute favourite thing about them is that they saved my life. their music saved my life. Not many people understand this, but other trenchers do. I had started cutting, making myself sick, and had thoughts about killing myself. But their music gave me a reason to stay alive. I want to support them forever, and that is exactly what i plan to do. Their fanbase has even helped me, the trenchers. they were a friend to me when i felt i didnt have one. they understand me. Josh Ramsay is the most talented man i know. he writes the most incredible music ever imaginable, so beautiful and heartfelt. he is sent from heaven to gift us with his incredible voice. so passionate. they’re music is my entire life. lover dearest, skin and bones, porcelain, so soon, alibis, feeling small have a special place in my heart because i relate to them. they give me a reason to stay alive. they are the most important thing to me and that is my favourite thing about them.
My favorite thing about Marianas Trench is their music! Their music has inspired me for years and I’m so thankful to have found them so early on in their career so i could watch them shape into the band they are today:)
I love Marianas Trench I’m a real Hardcore Trencher their music helped me through a lot their just amazing there’s nothing I wouldn’t do to meet them I went to my first concert they came to Ottawa with simple plan n I got to be closer to them funny thing is I was outside of scotia bank and I was crying so much but they inspired me to write music n poetry…. Their all clowns the act like themselves n I’m proud of being a trencher I’m a fan since masterpiece theatre lol there’s a lot. To say but I’ve been looking forever for a mt magazine but now that you’re selling it. Awee u just made my day I LOVE MARIANAS TRENCH THEY ARE SO PICANTES XD
My Favorite thing about Marianas Trench, is they are so kind to their fans, and they have a great sense of humor, and how they always play around and make funny jokes. and even tho I have only been a fan for almost a year now I can say they are the best band the world can ever get.
My favourite thing about Marianas Trench is well, really everything about them. I’ve never been to a concert of theirs or met them because I live in Europe but maybe one day! I loved them at first because they were so different and weren’t like other bands, they had their own sound and I just loved it too much. I’ve met plenty of new friends because of them and they helped to maintain my friendships with some current friends. I can never ever thank them enough for that. They’ve made those dark days bright and helped me smile when I was having a bad day, just by watching their music videos and interviews. They’re a part of my life now and I wouldn’t be the same person without them. They have the greatest personalities and are genuine and real people who are up for the laugh. They talk to their fans and try to help them out all the time and they are the sweetest guys on earth. I have too many favourite things about them. I just love them so much. Plus they are insanely talented people. I honestly couldn’t ask for more!
My favorite part about Marianas Trench is how they interact with us Trenchers
it will be difficult to compete with such hardcore trenchers but i will try my best. i do admit that i have not been a fan of Marianas Trench in 2002 when Fix Me came out but became a fan much later around 2005. Marianas Trench not only serve as a great band to perform. their personalities just come out more. we have the quirkiest, whackiest funniest serious people known to man. Marianas Trench have helped me through a lot. they helped me through depression, they were the reason i got help. they even got me through the best times. no matter the situation you know that Josh Ramsay, Mike Ayley, Matt Webb and Ian Casselman have pulled me out and have certainly always put a smile on my face. my favorite thing about them is everything.. i hope this serves as a great anecdote to be considered as one of the lucky 5 to winthankyou for reading . and keep calm and trench on
My favorite thing about MT, is their capacity to make us feel better through their music.. they can see beauty where nobody else can, and make trenchers feel loved
My favourite thing about Marianas Trench is the amazing effort they put into everything. They truly care about the fans, and they hope to always be there for us, no matter what. They pour their heart and soul into making great music, and making it enjoyable to listen too. They have fun, and take each day as it comes. While they have rocketed to stardom, they still try to be as accessible as can be to each and every one of their fans. They love each and every one of us with their hearts
Thank you for the opportunity to win this.
the reasons why i LOVE Marianas Trench is because of thier detication to thier fans, and of course thier music! even when sick they try thier best to play a concert just to make thier fans happy. they are all so funny and Matt is just so awkward. they are easily one of the best bands in Canada! thier lyrics are so relatable and understanding, not many bands can connect with thier fans like this one. also they all have amazing voices, they all just sound beautiful together
my favorite thing about marianas trench is everything the band members the music every song by any of them theyre performances and interviews basically everything
My Favorite thing about Marianas Trench is well a couple of things. The first is their dedication to their fans. When you see the tweets, Facebook messages, and posts on their site prompting their fans to seek help if they need it and reassuring them that it is not a sign of weakness to do so, helps more people than it seems. I know how hard it is to battle the feelings of worthlessness and deal with the bullies that many deal with daily and i know that i would have loved to have known that my favorite band was by my side. I also was lucky enough to be able to meet them at one of their shows for the Face the Music Tour in Canada. I saw first hand how kind they are to their fans.When they were signing autographs, the security people told them that Marianas Trench was needed elsewhere. At this time there was still a small group of fans waiting their turn patiently for the Band to sign something for them. The sigh from these fans when they heard that was only minutely audible but Josh looked at the security people and said to them “its alright there, i will just be a few more minutes. let me just finish these” and he signed each and everyone one of those fans pieces of memorabilia. Secondly, they stay true to themselves in the making of their music. Each song has a personal meaning to the band. Also they don’t rely on auto-tune to make themselves talented, they are truly talented.and sound fantastic live. They are honest, real and kind people doing what they love because they love it. And those are my favorite things about Marianas Trench.
I love Marianas Trench because they’re songs have helped me through the hardest times in my life Mike is wonderful and is 90% alway smiling! Ian is just awesome Ian! They all have meaning sides too, but they always want us to laugh. They love to make Jokes especially Josh, he's mostly sarcastic and just so funny that you could pee your pants but he also has a meaning side which trenchers love!
It’s very hard to give a reason why I love Marianas Trench. I think only if you listen to them you can feel what I feel. They are simply amazing. I’ve been listening to them since 2007, thanks to a friend who found out about them when he went to Canada. I’m so thankful he told me to listen to them, because I would have never known them otherwise (I live in Italy) and now they are my fav band. I am so in love with the wonderful people they are. I’ve never seen a band caring of their fans like they do, they’re so friendly and amazing.
Their music goes straight to your heart and soul, it seems like they can read you inside and know how you feel and give you a song for every moment of your life. I feel I can relate to most of their songs. I love Josh’s voice. He has the voice of an angel. I cried so hard the first time I heard him singing. But the band wouldn’t exist without Matt, Ian and Mike, I so love each one of them, it’s just a perfect band, 4 of the most amazing people on this planet met and it was love and created all of this. And I’m so happy and proud to be a Trencher and I’ll always support them NO MATTER WHAT. I hope they’ll tour Europe soon, I’ve been waiting for 5 years!! I love everything about them.
I love Marianas Trench so much! Their music is amazing and they are so talented! Them and their music mean so much to me and I’m just so glad I discovered them.They also have the most amazing sense of humor, and they never fail to make me smile
I went to their Face The Music concert in Barrie and after when I met them someone actually asked Mike to sign their copy of the Marianas Trench Faze magazine, and I was kind of jealous that they had a copy :p … I could really go on forever about how freaking awesome they are but that would take a while…seriously they are just one of the greatest most talented bands in the world and they will always be so specail to me!
My favourite things about Marianas Trench is that they actually write their own music, and they are so talented at what they do. They also have an amazing sense of humor and are so nice to their fans!
My Favorite things about Ed Sheeran are….well there’s only 1 reason: it’s Ed Sheeran. First of all, he’s extremely talented and hardworking. He worked as a one-man-band, homeless to the point of being one of the Grammy nominees. Yet he still staying as a normal person, he still wearing his same old clothes, still set his shows with the same cheap ticket price to make sure everyone can go and enjoy his music. He’s so down to earth that he always says that he’s the weird kid that no one talk to, that he like to wear and be as normal as possible so the fans can connect to him. And the most important thing is the way he treats his fans: he doesn’t sell Meet-and-Greet ticket, he wants to take time after every show to meet them; he gives chocolate and lego to his fans ; he even spends his money to travel to make some wishes of the fans come true, specially for those who are suffering from serious diseases. He’s the one this music industry need, the one who doesn’t need a handsome face, or six packs, or agree to sell out himself so he can sell his CDs. It just his music! And a great personality.