While some appreciate the designated day for expressing love and others mark it as a cooperate holiday made to make money, there’s no avoiding Valentine’s Day which is around the corner. Jewelry, chocolate and flowers are the typical sometimes cliché gifts you can give and get, but this year why not go for something different and meaningful albeit a bit more cheesy. These are things that aren’t limited as gifts strictly for Valentine’s Day and would make great presents for birthdays, anniversaries or even “just because”.
Write a letter of appreciation.
This is different from a love letter, as you are not confessing your love to anyone but listing all the qualities and things you admire about a person, whether it’s your significant other, parents or best friend. In this letter, tell that special someone how much they mean to you, how they may have impacted your life and just remind them how awesome they are. There’s nothing better than feeling appreciated.
Adopt/sponsor/donate on someone’s behalf.
For the person who has it all or doesn’t want anything materialistic, why not put your money to good use and buy a goat for a village in Africa or sponsor a child from India or even an endangered animal. You’ll receive a package that usually includes a photo and certificate to present to someone. This thoughtful and giving gift will not only leave an impression on your lover or friend but the cause you helped out.
Create a scrapbook of memories.
If you’ve been together or known each other for quite some time, then this is a great gift to reminisce and remind you of the good times you’ve shared. Printing out pictures has become a thing of the past, and sometimes it’s nice to have something to physically flip through rather than scrolling through someone’s instagram feed. In this scrapbook you can also include concert/show tickets, restaurant receipts, and write down things like song lyrics that will instantly bring back a memory.
Take a trip back to the place you first met.
There’s no better place to reminisce memories than where it all started. Climb the roof of your old high school with your best friend, revisit the old café where you had your first date with your boyfriend/girlfriend, or go back to the maternity ward where your mom had you. (Last one is a joke).
I’ve always considered Valentine’s Day a corporate holiday, with little meaning. However, I like all of your ideas. I’ve always said about Valentine’s Day that I’d much rather a partner buy me flowers because he was thinking about me or pick something up because they know it would make me laugh. Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be so corporate but it also doesn’t have to be a gloomy day. Have some fun with it, on the cheap. I just got this app called “Just Wink” – I already loved their greeting cards but this allows you to send free greeting cards eletronically to people’s devices. My friends will definitely be getting some hilarious Valentine’s Day cards from me this Friday!
Lovely ideas here
I like the idea of a scrap book and started on one myself for Valentines day with lots of memories of me and my partner to share
Damaris £100 Lingerie Giveaway! X
Nice ideas! Very thoughtful